If you are suffering reflux a 24hr ph monitoring test will confirm this. I had it done to determine whether my reflux was sufficient to warrant surgery.
I should warn you that its not that pleasant. They stick a tube down your nose and get it positioned to measure the acid. I carried a walkman like device for 24hr and then the results are analyzed. It confirmed I had reflux but not enough for surgery.
I am taking a high dosage of PPI every day, plus other medications as required. I do this whilst very carefully managing what I eat and especially drink so as not to aggrevate the condition. If I wanted to lead what some people would call a 'normal' life, then I would suffer reflux all the time. It also inspired me to lose 20lbs which has been a big benefit and everyone tells me how good I look.
Unfortunately having reflux means that I cannot do a lot of the things that I would like to do, but that's okay because I would rather be pain free that ean something that I probably shouldn't be eating anyway.