Hello everyone :) I am usually on the Uc boards since that is the forum that I moderate but I went to my GI today for my usual check up. I brought up to him that I've been having trouble with my stomach burning, excessive burping, nausea, heartburn, and sharp pains. He prescribed me Prilosec so I was wondering how well this works? I know that everyone is different but what is the general consensus? How long did it take for these symptoms to go away? All I know is that this is driving me insane. I thought maybe I was going crazy because I would go to take my pills for my UC and half the time I couldn't swallow them where before I had no problem whatsoever! I'm always clearing my throat it seems too. I never thought that I could have anything wrong with my stomach and so to have this happen is sort of odd. I've always had an "iron" stomach.......I guess old age is creeping up on me!
Oh and also any tips to make this easier on me would be highly appreciated!