hi i'am joepiter new here. i do have hiatal hernia and gerd for 10 months now. i'am 31,i get gerd in jun/2006 and take omeprazole 20mg twice a day for 3 months and the ppi cure my gerd for 2 months after that in jan/2007 my gerd return with more acid and i got every days heartburn until now(in mild and moderate).and when i hungry i fell more suffer.my heartburn feel like warmt in my left chest sometime right chest in middle and back too.felling pressure in the throat and when i swollen my mucus sometime felling like bubble sensation in the throat and there is no problem when i sleep at night,i don't feel acid in my mouth(i hope not),belching,sometime feeling discomfort in stomach area.until now i take omeprazole 20mg at night before sleep and in morning i take DGL 1pill afternoon 1pill.i do have endoscope last 3 weeks ago dr said i have hiatal hernia and inflammation in the LES(lower esophagus spincther).and i'am stress also because of this gerd
do anxiety/stress caused this gerd?? anyone here in this forum have a condition like me? please replay to this thread because i'am so alone here in indonesia
if someone have a condition/symptoms like me please replay at least i know i'am not alone here.thanks you so much
PS:sorry my english not so good.