My pain has been going on since Saturday night... I don't think it's indigestion, as I've since had a BM, gas, etc.. Although I am more constipated, but this isn't usually an area that bothers me when I'm constipated.
I did call the pharmacy. The pharmacist says she knows of no interaction between Topamax and Prevacid, and certainly hasn't heard of my kind of pain..
I called the dr's office, (well, it was the dr "on call"), where I was prescribed the Prevacid. He thinks it's most likely a reaction from the Topamax. However, what I'm hearing is that you should not take Prevacid if you have a history of liver problems. Now, i don't that I know of.. I wasn't tested for liver problems, that I know of (or that I remember anyway), but maybe it aggravated something I wasn't aware of? (Topamax supposedly isn't a big worry for liver problems, but according to some sites, a doctor should be aware of liver issues, and dose accordingly). So frankly, this (if my problem is liver related?) could mean either pill could be causing a problem.
Only I don't know which.