Hi all. I normally post elsewhere on HW, but figured I'm come to the "experts" on GERD & Hearburn for info.
I generally do not suffer from heartburn, but the past month or so, I've been having some humdinger episodes that seem to have evolved into acid reflux (I think).
I've been getting this 'hot' feeling in the back of my throat (almost feels like a bile feeling for a lack of a better explanation) and sometimes it makes me want to cough, most times not. Sometimes I'll burp and feel like I"m going to toss my
cookies (trying to be polite here). If I have it at night (and I do on occasion), I can't sleep on my stomach as it just pushes that feeling through my throat. If I sleep on my back, I'm fine. I'm now carrying Maalox tablets in my purse.
I drink coffee, but generally not late in the day or in the evening, I am sugar, gluten, wheat & dairy free. I eat pretty healthy, enjoy spicy foods, yes, I do smoke, but have cut down considerably the past few months and for the life of me, can't figure out a trigger for this.
Is there anything a bit stronger OTC that I can take?
Does any of the above even make sense??
I'd appreciate any information you can provide. I just want to stop the burning at the back of my throat and water just isn't helping any.