I was looking for help online for psoriasis and I found this website.
I've had psoriasis a bit on the forehead, a bit between the eyebrows and a tiny bit on both my cheeks like the shape of an egg. Whenever I apply the mild steroid ointments before I go to bed, they go away the next morning but the oval shaped psoriasis on my cheeks turn into white scars but turn red when they flare up. Again when I apply the ointment, it turns whitish. But unfortunately the psoriasis had spread on my nose one night. I did apply the mild steroid ointment but it has left white scars on both sides of the nose. I'm wondering if they will turn red or what. I'm hoping they turn into my golden skin colour again. I don't want anymore psoriasis on my face. I'm worried it might spread more and destroy my social life. I love talking to people all the time, all the time joking. I feel like everything is turning around now for the worse.
These scars on my nose has resulted in very low self esteem. I haven't been the same ever since. I know this girl at work for two years. We really love each other and we want to know each other and I really want to go out with her. But in the last last couple of shifts at work, I've been very quiet and been like a stranger.
I would appreciate if someone could tell me what I can do to get rid of the white marks on my face.
Thank you
Post Edited By Moderator (straydog) : 7/20/2013 9:53:31 AM (GMT-6)