I had a total knee replacement 5 weeks ago and I seem to be well on the road of healing. Am walking with a cane and have reduce the pain medication to only a few a day. I have discovered something unusual though and wondered if this was particular to me or have others noticed this.
Let me preface this question with the fact that all good things come in small packages. That said, I used to at one time in my life be 5' 1". Ok... short. Believe it or not I was the tallest kid in my 6th grade class. Then I stopped growing.
Over the years I must have gotten "gooder" because I have gotten smaller. I am 4 ' 9.5" standing tall. Well now that I can walk fairly well after the surgery, I have found that my operative leg is a little longer than my other leg. I think about 1 inch or so is the difference. It has made me walk somewhat in a waddle which isn't much different than I was walking before. Together with all this pain, my life hasn't really changed other than legally being able to purchase some wonderful drugs.
I was wondering if anyone else has noticed anything like this happening after your surgery and what did you do to help this problem.
I know that ultimately my other knee needs surgery.. the doctor could not pick which knee was worse before the surgery. Unfortunately until the pain of this ordeal goes the way of giving birth - you know, when you forget the pain involved and gladly get pregnant again, I don't see surgery again for quite a while.
My hips are beginning to hurt which I would assume is because of the dainty gait I have developed. I thought of buying a pillow top to place on my mattress which might make laying on my side easier. Until 5 weeks ago I was a side sleeper but my knee is still fighting a battle with gravity to see which pain wins. I've tried the pillow between the knees but the operative knee doesn't like anything touching the skin - even light knit pants, nightgowns and sheets cause some discomfort. I end up sort of sitting up or slightly reclining and my hip "wings" are really painful. Anyone ever try one of those pillow toppers? We already have a brand new mattess that does have a pillow top but it has divets all over the mattress and those seem hard on old tender flesh.
I thought that buying a separate pillow top might chushion some of my hip pain.
Any suggestions?