Hello everyone,
Been a long time since I have been on Healingwell, but I used to have gut issues and now we have moved on to other issues.
So I had an MRI that showed osteochondral defeacts in knee. The specialist wanted a CT scan to verify OCD of my right knee. He wanted this done in a week, I kind of laughed, cause didn't think I was getting it done in a week.
Well I had it and it has shown Lateral condyle osteochondral defects.
This is what it says:
As seen on previos MRI, there are osteochondral lesions along the anterior weightbearing surface of the lateral femoral condyle. Review of previous MRI also reveals a discoid lateral meniscus.
No loose bodies or free bony fragments are indetified. The osseous defects anteriorly measure 4 x 7 mm, and 9 x 7 mm. There is patchy surrounding bony sclerosis.
A 1.2 x 1.9 cm focus of subcortical sclerosis is also seen along the posterior aspect of the lateral femoral condyle., howver the cortex here appeasr intact.
If anyone can help me figure these peices out I would greatly appreciate it,. and I do understand that noone is a doctor on here and can only offer their advise and opions and wisdowm, so whatever ye all can offer would be awesome.