CathyA said...
Thanks Betsy,
I'm sorry you're having these problems at such a young age. I'm 67.....but I did start having things like plantar fasciitis/Achilles tendonitis in my teens and early 20's. I do have fibromyalgia, which can really throw a wrench into the works.
I've worn shoe orthotics since I was 19. I had a meniscus tear "cleanup" about 10 years ago, but that caused my lower leg to bend outward....which messed up my foot. I truly wish doctors could see past their own specialty. What I mean is a knee doc doesn't pay that much attention to your foot and vice versa with the podiatrist and knee.
I have TMJ and wear a mouth splint at night........along with my cpap machine.
Sorry I'm whining......sometimes I just get sad and tired.
Yes, P.T. has helped a fair amount in the past, and I confess I haven't been as good doing it recently because of my mental state.
Anyhow.........I have an appointment with a new ortho doc, so hopefully we can get my pain under control. Hopefully he's not just interested in young athletes.
I did see a rheumatologist.....but he seemed most interested in putting me on Plaquenil, which can have some really bad cancer.
Thanks again, and I will look forward to finding some help for the pain.
Hi Cathy,
I did a post not long back on knee buckling but your symptoms with pain across the shin area is like what I had when mine buckled I've not had a day since when every morning plus through the day they're sprayed with cold freeze besides patches that do freeze them for 3 solid hrs, relief or what lol I get the pain in the thigh, when I saw my GP he said it's when they're sprained but usually comes from RA in the system.
I've got cervical spondylosis (Osteoarthritis) so my rheumo can get me tested for it, as it runs high RA does in my moms family.
By the way mate carry on moaning, as i'm with you on it
snap regarding TMJ disease and mouth shield, sinunitis-the tissues in a week alone is sick. I could rabbit on and moan but I only have my hubby and he's heard it all before.
Big hug from me