Hi, it's "Wotan" (Robert) from the other forums.
Last week, came down w a respiratory virus (my wife got it first), w lots of coughing. When i get any kinda respiratory infection, it sometimes takes a while for my darn cough to clear up!
This cough is driving me crazy (dry-unproductive). Went to my E/N/T Dr....& he gave me a Z-Pac (Zithromax- 250 mg- 5 days )--& the "Prednisone pack (6 day regimen for inflammation)-.
The darn cough is still with me, & i only have 2 more days left on the prednisone. Only thing that gives me cough relief is Delsym (w DM).
The thing that is REALLY bothering me, is the more frequent irregular heartbeats i'm getting (i post on the "cardiac Forum"..i have MVP...& SVT)-- & now i am getting lots of extra beats....during day, at nite , etc.
I was reading that Zithromax can cause this (but this is rare)--most likely ( & pharmacist agrees)--is the prednisone, it is a steroid!
I CAN'T wait till i'm finished this 6 day regimen..(Just 2 more days...Tues & Wed).
QUESTIONS: ANYONE......ever experience this w prednisone? (I gotta finish the "taper" dose..only 2 pills...next day..then...1 pill.)
Also, I feel very "jacked up". How long before this stuff is out of the system?
Please--i hope someone gets back......this irregular heartbeats are driving me nuts (I'm gonna start taking my Magnesium--that i stopped...while taking antibiotic)----& this cough..still bothering me! (Again...Delsym helps a lot!)--- Get back......i need some "moral support"...esp. on the question to ANYONE who knows about prednisone....HOW LONG...before it gets out of your system...after finishing the last dose? Thanks- Robert