Hi everyone. I have been moving for the last couple months so I haven't been around much.
I started feeling a bit better in June and July, I was still feeling breathing issues from my illness if February but I was able to drive alot more and do stuff and laugh and I was alot more like my regular self.
I moved August first from the coast in Humboldt County in California to the wine country north of San Francisco. Since I moved I started feeling worse and worse again with breathing trouble and fatigue and I have been pretty bad.
I'm trying to figure out what the heck is going on. I had a skin test in April that showed no allergies, but then an Elisa test that should about 20 intolerances. I moved into a place with older carpets, but probably only 7 or 8 years old. They smell like urine slightly although we have cleaned most of it out. Also there are different allergens, and although I tested negative, I had been taking bee pollen and got hives from it. So I figure my body is reacting to something in the pollen, right? So some allergy to some pollen. (Do tree and grass spores get into bee pollen or just flowers?) Also it is really hot here and it was cooler where I was on the coast. I have been using the air conditioning and that's new. The humidity is lower and I thought that would be a good change. I wish I knew why I had the relapse so I could change it. Any ideas?
Would a RAST test pick up anything a skin test missed? I had a RAST a while back that came up positive for white oak and kentucky bluegrass, but I would like another one. The other starnge thing is my skin tests 15 years ago came up high for dog, cats, mold, mites, trees, grass and weeds. The mold count has been high and the particulate particles count has been moderate in my area, we have had fires and apparently they aren't out, not that I spend much time out of the air conditioning in 100 degree weather.
Any ideas on what could be a factor?