I usually post on the Anxiety/Panic Forum, but I've been out of commission for nearly three weeks now due to an allergic reaction to a sulfonamide antibiotic (Bactrim). I had what we thought was a bad virus: a week's worth of recurring fevers (6-7 break and resurge a day), weakness, no appetite, a little joint pain, and then on Day 8, the rash. That's when I stopped the Bactrim: eight days in. By the way, no anaphylaxis, but BP was low for me (115/75 so docs weren't worried - but I'm usually 160/100) and pulse was high (110 as opposed to my current 65).
I'm still struggling with bouts of weakness that leave me unable to do anything but the necessities at work - little energy to be on the forum, go online at home, do household chores except when I absolutely HAVE to. Any advice, commiseration, suggestions on when this weakness will go away?
Also, glucose level was up some, sodium down while on Bactrim, improved considerably a week after I stopped but still not at normal levels. Nurse practitioner has ordered another series of blood tests in May.
Thanks in advance,