Looking for people who have Sinus problems to share their advice.
I have had sinus problems for probably about 5 years but did not realize it until about 6 months ago. I get a headache on the front of my forehead & on my face (near my nose) everyday which causes me to get nausea everyday too. My tongue looks like one of those cobble stone streets which is from all this post nasal drips. 75% my nostroils will get clogged up so i must breathe from my mouth. I get sharp pains behind my eyes. Im dizzy all the time & my face tingles often.
I haven't had medical insurance for 2 years & i don't qualify for government assistance (ive tried sooo many times). I went to a clinic where they told me to use a *Neti-Pot, allergy medication that you take daily, and gave me an RX for a nasal spray* The nasal spray was pretty expensive and im almost out. Im wondering how i should treat this situation. Any advice on home treatments? And what will happen if i do not go see a doctor? Can i prolong ignoring treatment until i can get a job & insurance? Please im open to any advice. Thank you in advance