What doctors don't tell you about
your particular illness, whether it's
allergy, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, or bipolar illness, among other things, is not what you might think.
It is that they do not know about these new things that are being
discovered in regard to diet as a very strong force in helping to reduce the symptoms of inherited or immune system illnesses.
Please go to a website called acid-producing foods and search for the
role which acid and alkaline foods play in causing strong and lingering symptoms in physical and psychological illness. (There are many, many other sites that might appeal to your understanding of this, as well; one site may lead you to another all along the way of your research.)
The aim of treatment in diet control is to maintain a more alkaline diet
than an acidic one. It isn't easy, but neither are the symptoms of
illnesses that can be treated to some extent by changing the routine diet of most of us.
It is known, for example, that bipolar illness is caused by an inflammation. Psychiatrists don't know yet what the inflammation is
caused by, but it is also known that changes in the diet have permitted
remisssion of that illness in some people.
Removal of highly acidic foods from the diet can go a long way in
assisting with improvement in immune system response, in feeling tone, and in actually curing an illness--as in the removal of gluten
from the diet for celiac patients.
Please do your investigation into foods and note which acidic ones
you include in your diet almost daily. Cutting back on those and
selecting foods which you enjoy that are more alkaline may be of
remarkable benefit to you.
One other thing, please do not use the artifical sweeteners. They are highly acidic and can cause real disturbances for many. The use
of Stevia is the only one which has been shown not to have side effects that are disturbing to some.
Good eating to everyone.
It's Genetic