Ok, went to Mayo Clinic and got the skinny on what the problem is.
i am NOT allergic to the meds, I'm ODing on them.
in my liver, kidneys and large intestines, the genomes that are responsible for medication absorption have mutated and no longer work. so basically, i OD. this is how it was explained:
a normal person will take 500mg or an antibiotic. the liver filters out about
400mg of that medication and your body only receives about
100mg of it. my liver, on the other hand, filters out about
50mg of the medication and body recieves about
450mg of that medication. so depending upon the meds, anywhere between the 1st and 4th day, i am ODing. theres no cure but with research coming out of france there may be something to go on in about
2-5 years.
at least we have a starting point