Hi Wood
I was diagnosed with Adult onset Asthme When I was in my mid fifties
and progressivly had gotten worse as I continued to work.At 57 I was told that I could no longer work at my job in a factory. I have not worked since. I have applied for SS Disability. I have been through the process to the point of having had a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge some 3 months ago. I am waiting for his findings. This has taken about 3 and 1/2 years. I am told that this time frame is quite common. I am also told that my case is very winnable. So if you are thinking of going for disability through Social Security be prepared for a long wait. I could also give you a horror story about State Disabilty. The jist of both is that it is a long process where you are in for a lot of frustration. However I think that it is possible if you have the patience and financial ability
Good luck ;