HI-I don't know what kind of area you are in, but if you could find someone in the phonebook called a naturopath or a chiropractor that does "applied kiniseology/muscle testing"--not all chiropractors do this-in fact most don't---you would have to call and ask if they "muscle test for things like low adrenals' if you have a health food store nearby, sometimes there are bulletin boards or pamphlets of alternative doctors. you can also buy adrenal extract at the pharmacy or health food store. it doesn't really have side effects, so you could it for a week and see if it helps, if not, then stop taking it. all it is is a minute extract from a cows adrenal gland, so if you're a vegetarian you may have a problem taking it. basically, it is like taking a vitamin. but the best would be to find someone to do the muscle testing on you.
but, you may have to consult your doctor about getting off the advair. if you noticed the symptoms stopping when you went off of it. mY friend who had to stop advair due to muscle pain/cramps does fine with asmanex-which is just a steroid w/o the long-acting bronchodilator
good luck-write if you have more questions