Hi all
I came across this post while doing a search for phlegm. ( not literally!)
I have suffered for years with having to clear my throat all the time. It is worse sometimes than others but seems to have no pattern. At the moment its bad! I have made my throat sore trying to clear it all the time, I have tried ignoring it but it feels like you have a lump in your throat, If you get any up, its like a clear sticky goo - nice!
I do have some acid problems sometimes / hearburn & have a small hernia diagnosed sometime ago with a tube down my throat ( not pleasant! ) - but I havent noticed a connection in timing between heartburn & phlegm. My nose generally doesnt feel bunged up. One of the few things that helps is airwaves chewing gum which seems to help with the symptoms but not the cause. I used to work in a carpet shiop & thought it might be that, but have been out of that & in the fresh air now for some months & the past few days have been really bad!
What doesnt help is I am a singer - ever tried singing with sticky goo in yer throat! Doctors have been no use. Yeah u have phlegm - u arent gonna die - off you go. Saw a specialist once - basically he said the same thing.
So there are alsorts of alternatives on ' tinternet ' anyone had any success with anything?
please help its driving me mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!