Hi All,
Last night was my first time in these forums. I have been battling fibromyalgia, but my question is:
I used to be a smoker. I quit in November when I had a sinus infection that turned into Asthmatic Bronchitis that I was hospitilailized for 3 days. Inhalers would not work. Since then I was having shortness of breath and blamed in on my lungs healing from not smoking. I went to a Pulminary Dr for PFT and he told me he wasnt sure if it is the start on enfusema or asthma. He said there was no way iit could be the result of quitting smoking. Since then(2 weeks ago) my syptoms have gooten worse. Last week i ended up in the ER because I felt that i could'nt get a breath in and had chest pains. The allbuteral made me worse and so did the advair which i had taken for 3 days. I went to a new DR and had the PFT re done -same results, showing brochial spasms. have severe anxiety now from all my fibro issues, and I take xanax but am still having a problem. I am now taking singular(since Nov) and asamex and the replacement inhaler for allbuteral(no Shakes).
Has anyone else had these problems when they STOPPED smoking. I never felt like this when I did.