Hi everybody. Sorry for the very long post, most of it is about my recent trip the hospital.
I've had chicken allergy for over the past 10 years. I can eat eggs with no problems, but the last time I ate turkey I felt a little stuffed up. I learned of my chicken allergy from an allergy test about 10 years ago. It was nothing too major, I would just get a stuffy nose and feel warm when I ate chicken. I still ate chicken all I wanted up until a year ago, when chicken started sending me to the can. Last year I decided to stop eating chicken all together for 3 months. I felt much better, but caved in to a Popeye's chicken sandwich, which I think sent me into shock as I couldn't breathe well and my body was ice cold despite wrapping myself in 3 blankets. I ended up sleeping it off and woke up feeling OK with just stomach pains and trips to the can the next day.
Flash forward to today and it's been about a year since I've tasted chicken. I've tried to avoid it at all costs.
Yesterday morning I ended up going to the hospital from I suspect to be some kind of chicken ingredient that was in the food I ate. I was at a friend's house and he had some Chinese pork dumplings and cooked some up for us. My friend's mother even told me a week earlier to be careful when I eat Chinese food as sometimes they use chicken powder for flavouring, she even prepares special non-chicken dishes for me when she cooks for me. My friend said they were pork dumplings but didn't know if his mother had used any type of chicken ingredient to flavour them up. His mother was still sleeping at the time, so we couldn't ask her. I ate one just to test it out, waited 5 minutes, felt fine then ate about 5 more.
10 minutes pass and I notice it's getting hard for me to breathe and I feel anxious and also a bit confused...uh-oh...
I try to act cool and battle it out myself for awhile, but then I started getting really cold. I was getting a little worried at this point and pondering if I should go to the hospital. Then my body starts cramping up and I notice that I'm shaking a bit. I try to turn on my MP3 player switch with my thumb but my thumb doesn't want to move for some reason. My body felt really tense and riggid. I tell myself to breathe, but it takes multiple tries to get myself to breathe or even swallow. I ask my friend to drive me to the hospital because I feel like I'm going into some type of shock and I feel bit light-headed.
After running around in what seemed like a hospital maze, we find the registration counters and I check in. I tell them my name, address and other info, but my answers are slow as I'm still a bit confused. We wait in the waiting room for about an hour and I slowly start to feel better. The symptoms come and go in waves, but I don't feel so bad anymore. I finally get to see a doctor after 2 hours and I'm feeling pretty much OK by then, my throat hurts but I can breathe, my body is warm again and I'm thinking more clearly. The doctor gave me 4 capsules of Diphenhydramine aka "Benadryl" 25mg each. I took 2 and they made me very sleepy (supposedly Diphenhydramine is used in many sleep-aids such as Nytol). I woke up 7 hours later and found moderately dark bags under my eyes when I looked in the mirror.
When I went into my kitchen for dinner today, I see a huge 1KG Costco size can of Knorr's Chicken Powder. I tell my father about my hospital trip in the early morning and ask him if he used any chicken powder in the dinner he was cooking. He assures me there's no chicken powder in any of the food. I sit there staring at my food for a few minutes, scared to eat any of it. I ended up eating my food because I was starving with 2 bathroom trips following.
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to update him on my situation and also get a referral to an allergist. I'm also going to ask for an EpiPen prescription.
If anybody feels the anaphylactic shock symptoms I wrote about above, I recommend you seek medical help immediately, as from what I've read online, it can be life-threatening.