Hello, I am so glad I have discovered this site. I see there is already a post for chronic Ulticaria and maybe I should post there but Ii am not sure.
Since I was about 6 years old I have had an allergy that causes a strange swirly rash and blotchy rash to show up on various parts of my body when I get cold. It is mainly on my joints like ankles, toes, fingers, knees and elbows but sometimes it gets very bad and will go on my face and all over my legs. The rash looks horrible and can last a couple of hours. It burns and itches and causes so much embarassment. Any winter sports for me are totally out of the question. In fact I can barely spend any time outside if it's cold or windy out and swimming is impossible unless the water is very warm. I have been to many specialists and they all seem so interested but no one has been able to help me.
It feels so good to read this forum and see that I am not alone. I always thought this was so rare and I was the only one. Can anyone that has or knows about this condition give me any tips?? I would love to be able to take a medication that could maybe make the rash not so bad. I have tried every over the counter allergy med out there with no luck.
Thanks so much for reading!!