Just happened to be browsing the web when I came across this website. I am one of the healthiest people I know, I get a cold maybe once every 3 years and never get the flu. I live in Massachusetts and every May when the tree pollen comes out I am horrible. I feel like all the help websites are for people that barely sneeze once or twice a day. My allergies are so bad that if I didn't overdose on the medicine I already have, my eyes would swell shut. I decided to go to an allergist two years ago after not wanting to deal with it anymore. So they tested me with needles in my arm and it blew up like popeyes arm. I am allergic to most tree pollens. So they made me come every week for allergy shots, and as May got closer I would go everyday. So allergy season came and the exact same symptoms :( The allergist basically said that my case was really bad and unusual that I don't get any other type of allergies at any other time of the year but May. She also said there was a sterioid patch that my primary care could prescribe for the month that would cure me. My Primary care said she didn't know of it and if there was she wouldnt prescribe it because of the dangers. I currently take Zyrtec D- 12 Hour pills 3-4 a day :( Also I used allergy eye drops and Afrin severe congestion spray. If anyone has any other suggestions or has the same problem, I would love to hear if anything worked. I would also feel like I wasn't the only one.