sure Teri.
C-hronic F-atigue I-mmune D-ysfunction S-yndrome
FMS - Fibromyalgia Syndrome
C-hronic M-yofascial P-ain D-isorder
C-cough V-ariant A-sthma
I've never taken Advair & probably won't as long I'm getting by with the Singulair & Albuterol.
Steroids are scary beyond belief to me, although I know quite necessary sometimes.
Actually, I'm pill-aphobic somewhat. With some other health conditions that I don't care to go
into, I have to be so careful with everything I put in my mouth!!
I react adversely to so many things it's just incredible.
For years I was unable to even take an antibiotic until just this last year. It seems that many CFS people, especially
those of the viral-subset of patients, develope terrible allergic reactions to all manner of things... pharmaceutics, other meds,
foods, etc...
I happen to be one of them.
Plus, if the side-effects cause a problem (which they so often do...) I have to shift gears.
I have had so many Drs. through the years want me to take this or that, and or my dear hubby trying to get me to take
various herbs/etc **...through the years,
but have had to do so with a certain amount of fear & trepidation, or ... a very cautious
approach, at best.
*(My hubby has studied herbs/vits/and alternative treatments all of our married life & pretty much managed to keep us away from conventional medicine
outside of the normal & routine stuff, or some medical emergency, for the most part,)
If I find things that work and do not give me fits, I generally stay on them.
Anyway... probably far more than you wanted to know here...