HI I am 41 and just 3 years ago became allergic to poultry. I started having problems and finally narrowed it down what was going on. I can not believe all the products that have chicken in them. Turkey is bad for me too. about
an hour and a half after eating it. I start getting really bad pains in my back. Then my stomach starts to get very very upset and I just feel like I have been run over by a truck. I have to go to bed. I sleep for about
4 hours and then I get up. I am very exhausted but the bad stuff is over with. I have never been able to stay awake because of how I feel. No one seems to know anything about
it. I hear even from the Doctor that is rare. His advice, Dont eat it. There is nothing I can take or anything. I can not even find any information on it. Eggs sometimes too. I can not eat them alone, but in something I am fine.
Now I have to read labels very well so I do not get struck with this.
When eating with family members the other day they ordered pizza with sausage. Never even thought about it. Eat pizza with sausage on it from othe places never had a problem. 1 1/2 hrs later boom I was hit. I called the pizza place and they comfirmed that they do indeed use chicken based sausage.
I've talked to the Dr., Pharmacist and neither one of them know of any medicine that could help me. Nor did they know what could be in the poultry that would be doing this to me.
Have any idea, where I could find information on this?
I have searched and searched the net. Only thing that I came up with is: Science has not really explored this allergy. Is it so rare that they wont even check it out?
I really need some help.
I really miss my chicken and turkey too. Holidays, grilling, and allll the products that has anything poultry in it. It can not even be broth, or a slight bit of juice.
I am afraid that someday I will get a worse reaction from accidently digesting it and they wont be able to help me.