I have been fighting my allergies since i was about
2 years old, its take a tole on my life and because of it i have struggled through school and through everything imaginable i am now 20 ( just got out of high school, because of my allergies it took me 5 years to graduate ) I cant keep a job nor do i want to go through hell again and go to College, hence me being here. I am hoping someone has has these symptoms and found a good way of controlling it.
-I was diagnosed with Albinism 3, the rarest and supposedly least worse of all albinism and because of how rare it is or because they say its not that serious i don't get financial help.
-My eyes hurt almost every day raging from a scale of 1-10, 1 being not sick and 10 being the worse, average for me is about
3-4 every day and 2-5 times a month its at 6-10.
-When i get sick my eyes are either dry, painful ( just plain blunt hurts as if someone poke your eyes), very watery eyes , swollen shut and cant move around much because of the pain, or all at once.
Because of all this
I can kinda barely live with me being sick 2-4 scale but very hard and it takes a huge strain on me physically and mentally forcing my eyes to see while they hurt. But with me getting sick scale of 6-10 a few times a month i haven't been able to keep a job and i end up quiting because of how many times i am absent and/or because the place feels to bright from time to time and i also cant stand to go to school anymore because of the staring or because i cant focus on the lesson because of the pain, sensitivity+pain.
Heres a little background of my allergies, I have been seen doctors raging from average doctors to specialists about
my eyes and was diagnosed with albinism 3 which was kinda obv. to me and also with allergies. From about
8-18 years old i have been on constant different medication since none seem to be effective what so ever and was gonna go on allergy shots till i was told i cant handle them or because my situation wasn't bad enough to take m ( go figure ). Doctors wanted to start all over with medications with me something i couldn't do because my financial aid ran out ( turned 18 ) and without having a real job i cant afford to keep going and keep buying these medications. Now the reason I am posting all this is because i hope someone reads it and knows or has gone through something similar like this and hopefully it leads me to the right path to find a way to control or cure it because i have saved enough money to go see a specialist again ( don't know if I'm gonna see an eye doctor and allergies specialist yet, can only afford one ) If you do please post a reply or email me at
[email protected]