Hello to all,
I'm new to this sight, but have been on the PCa side to about 18 months. My question to any of you with acute sneezing episodes is: When you have an attack of sneezing (sometimes I may sneeze 6 or more times non-stop) do you feel dizzy, perspire, get shaky, and here is the kicker; does anyone experience a sense of ravenous hunger? I mean a feeling of hunger so compelling that you must stop where ever you are and get something; anything to eat. Then after 1 or 2 bites of whatever the urge to eat is gone as if a switch was turned off. I've talked to a couple of doctors about this symptom, but have yet to find any cases of similar sensations.
I did undergo allergy shots for 7+ years, and generally feel that I've improved about 50% since treatments ceased 10 years ago. However this aberration brought on by these occational sneezing episodes is a worry.