In the past, for Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas, my Gma has always went with us to various relative's houses. This year I am afraid that we won't be able to take her. She is having trouble walking still since she broke her hip and she doesn't even try to do the physical therapy - she has given up. So that would leave us to transport her wheelchair and some of these relative's houses are not very wheelchair friendly. Also, she has very little control of her bowels so I keep picturing the scenario of what if she has an accident while at the relatives??? I know it would be up to me to help her get cleaned up and changed but that may be physically impossible for me due to arthritis and neck issues. Her mental status has also declined so rapidly that she is losing the memory of some people and she gets lost in time and place. I hate leaving her there at the assisted living center for the holidays but I don't see any way around it. I dunno what this post is about
really but I am just getting a little down about
the holidays coming and the possibility of not being able to take my Gma with us.
I was discussing this with my husband and he agreed that it may not be a wise course of action to take her out and about for the holidays. So we are going to go see her on the holidays and stay with her for a while. I think that is a fair compromise for both her and us?