My mom is 88 nearing end of moderate stage Alzheimer's. Yesterday morning, she began to have TIAs. We called 911 and took her over to the ER. I spent the next 27 hours in the hospital with her, first the ER and then she was admitted. She has had every conceivable test. She continues to have the TIAs. She can actually feel them coming on, starting with a headache and then her speech slurs and it goes away with 10 to 15 minutes. They have yet to figure out what's causing it. All mom wants to do is go home. I feel so bad for her. I stayed overnight with her because I didn't want her to freak out, being in a strange place. Neither of us slept very well but at least she remained calm.
Just wondering if anyone else her has had experiences with TIAs? This is her first, as far as we know.