My gma has been getting worse. She has not been diagnosed yet with Alzheimers or any other form of dementia but her mind is definately going somewhere. I am sort of depressed writing this because when my gma moved in with me 3 years ago, she had all of her mental faculties. But within those 3 years, her mental state has slowly been declining. At what point do you take your loved ones to see a doctor for this? Who would I take her too, who would I talk to? She has a universal insurance so she can go almost anywhere. Plus I have the problem of approaching her with this problem. She doesn't feel there is anything wrong with her mind or her actions.
Some of the latest things she has been doing is emotional outbursts such as crying over something silly one minute to being elated the next. She is at loss for words like today, she was trying to tell me she was washing a quilt but she couldn't think of the word quilt so she said that fluffy thing over there (this is just an example because there are more words she is at a loss for). If she is in unfamiliar territory, her confusion is more profound. My hubby even seen her the other day pocketing her pills - so I've been keeping an eye on her since then. She is always losing things in her room and I would help her tear her room apart to look for it only to find it in the most unusual places.
I believe the time is approaching for me to seek help for her but I'm at a loss as to where to start.