Thanks for your support.. I needed to hear something.. if not anything..
Well today I had an argument with my fiance. I slept until 2pm, and I'm still very tired. My throat feels like something clicks or pops when I swallow, possibly anxiety.. Trying my best to ignore what anxiety throws at me. I do realize my stress is out of control. Our dog peed on the floor, and that triggered my stress like crazy. I have a daughter to take care of, a house to clean, laundry needs to be done...and I just dont want to move a finger. I told my fiance "i give up on cleaning" I just dont want to do anything. I broke my cell phone, because.. I just had so much anger/stress I had to take it out on something. (never done this or felt the need to throw anything) My fiance is just looking at me like.. "where did you go, who are you" I think having so much discomfort, and getting no answers... having crappy insurance so even if I wanted answers, i'm screwed. My fiance thinks I can just "snap out of it and i'll be okay" i'm giving up. Im getting to the point where i just dont want to "feel" cause when i do.. it doesn't feel good. I may have some postpartum, but I feel like.. If I didn't have so much discomfort in my ab area- and if I can breath good...I wouldn't be feeling so depressed. I just want to feel normal.. NO discomfort. I want to eat whatever, go jogging again without chest pain... I want a life! Im in constant discomfort!!! my ab area feels awful, why? I dont think this is ibs.. i went to the library and every book on ibs doesn't relate to my symptoms.. i dont have pain,(only chest pain) I have constipation but nothing to complain about.. yeah I get backed up, but I eat fiber and drink water and I'm o.k. the only things that bothers me is my discomfort in my upper ab area. Im starting to think it may be muscle related? because if i turn my body for too long and go back to normal it feels awful. I try to work out, it feels awful. Who do I go to see about this? I can't afford health it seems like. My miind feels ..crowded? foggy like..I can't think straight. I am getting muscle twitches all over..(anxiety, trying to ignore it)
I just want to lay in bed until I feel better.
If you were to see me in a store, you would think I'm perfectly healthy (other than me holding my stomach) I can play it off so well that I'm great, because I've been dealing with this since September. Now, i'm sick of dealing with it and acting like things are okay because there not. I can't even eat right now. At least I'm taking vitamins..
yes I too get migraines, but I know its from crying.. if I cry too much my head starts pounding with a terrible migraine. It's weird, i use to get migraines ALOT in highschool, my friends kind've knew this about me because i always carried tylenol or advil... I would get such bad migraines I would throw up.. Then after I had my baby, well.. since I got pregnant they've stopped. It does suck getting migraines. I know a friend who gets them alot, and the doctors just give him pain meds as well. he's had an MRI and every test you can think of.. I personally think he's just stressed, he has 3 kids- and working full-time. Anyway, thanks for your support gals.. I am trying so hard to think positive (believe it or not) but it is hard.. the only positive thing in my life is my daughter and of course family in general.. but the way I feel.. is torture. Can postpartum really make your stomach in constant discomfort? and be affected by food? I dont know..