Okay... I was feeling like this a few weeks ago when I posted and the only thing I can think to call these "shocks" is what everyone on here calls "brain zaps".
It feels like my brain almost gets shocked in a way and pushed inside my head or something.
I was feeling like that for weeks when I hit my second trimester and tonight I drank 2 cans of coca cola and had zaps while driving.
Could it be I'm going through some sort of Lexapro withdrawel because I'm pregnant?
I'm so confused. I don't want to even ask my doctors because they'll try and switch me to some absurd medication (like trying to switch me last month at my OB appt). ugh
I just want opinions.
Has anyone ever experienced this while pregnant?
UGH and I'm SO Panicky and anxious lately... I don't know why... I'm just feeling nuts... can't catch my breath