I am dealing with the revenge of my panic attacks. I was doing pretty good over the last couple weeks
untill yesterday, I was having tummy troubles and heart palps. I kinda just tried to put it out of my mind because
I knew it was getting close to that time of the month(if you know what I mean) And I had not slept weel the last 2 nights
Plus I have been a bit stressed out the last couple days. So I thought after I got some sleep I would be fine.
But NO! I woke up alittle over an hour later in a panic attack. I was sweating and so hot with those heat waves and racing heart.
I got calmed down and thought I would be okay just get some sleep! Nope an hour after that it happened again! I turned up the air condetioner, turned on the fan and got a wet cloth to make sure I wouldnt get to hot and fell back asleep.
about a half hour later it happened again and I was rather upset, this time I decided I would just stay up all night so this would stop and sleep in the morning. I did fall back asleep but that was thankfully the last of the attacks.
How ever this morning I still feel very tense and not "right". I am alittle afraid it might happen again. Panic attacks are so scary!
I have not had a bad full blown night of attacks in a long time so I didnt have anything med wise to take for the atacks.
If this keeps up, I will have to go back on xanax for the attacks.
I think all of this may have been triggered because my hubby ( my rock ) went out of town on sunday and has been gone all week, So I have been taking care of the kids all alone with no real adult contact since he left and no one to help out with the kids either. I am very use to him coming home and helping out some with the kids but this week it has just been all me.
Plus he helps when I have an attack and gets me water and cold cloth but I had no one to help me, I was very very scary for me.
When you are in a full attack, what helps you calm down? I need a few ideas. I have different kinds of attacks some I feel like I am going to pass out and die and other I feel like I am losing my mind and all is lost, other i just freak!
LOL Sorry this got so long.