PROZAC says don't take if inssomia is a problem, safe - no known risks
ZOLOFT- avoid grapefruit, may induce mania on the high end or simply an increase in energy in non-bipolar. My cause stomach upset (you briefly use pepto-bismal, then take acidohilus pills.) Most are also prescribed desyrel to combat any insomnia.
PAXIL- turns out medically to be a poor drug, it causes stomach problems, diarrhea, shakiness, agitation, sexual problems that cannot be dealt by takin weekend s "off". No not go off without tapering. Newborns exposed to this drug will go through a painful withdrawl.
CELEXA - considered better than the fist 3, the side effects are nausea, insomnia, and sexual problems. On the plus side , after about six months of no sex thins actually to start working again unlike first three.
LEXAPRO- insomnia, loss of weight iniatlly, but gain after a few weeks, This drug zyban an antismoking drug), issimilar to celexa - in fact the are pretty much the same molecue.
EFFEXOR -all of the side effects listed above plus incresed sweating
CYMBALTA-good for depression and pain, ssri symptoms(nausea,insomnia,sex problems)There is a risk for dizziness and constipation.
SERZONe-no longer made in the US but is avaivable in Cananda, high risl of liver damage
Amoxapine-agitation and insomnia, no longer has much favor amoung doctors
Luvox- nausea,loose stools,,headache, and insmnia
buproprion-weight loss,restlessness,headache, nausea, rashes, epileptics should be stable be under speacial care
rememron-sleepy day/night, watch blood count, do not take if HIV positive.