Both anxiety and GERD- Acid Reflux ? are they linked in some way ? stress maybe ?
Hi GiftOfGod, I'm not quite sure what you mean? Can you give me some more info?
I know that anxiety and GERD are linked, but I can't offer much more. I am sure some far smarter people will be along to give you some advice. Stay well.
What i mean is that how many of us suffer from both Anxiety and Gerd ? Do you guys think
they are linked in some way ?
I also have both but I had the anxiety way before the GERD so I can't say the anxiety caused the GERD. I think mine was perhaps do to my poor eating habits.......................
Hope this helps you.
Hey thanks for clarifying that. I don't always have my thinking cap on!! IMHO I think they are linked. Have you seen a dietician about foods that may relieve some of the symptoms? I am a big fan of ginger too!