Hello Happyvel. I'm new at all this so I don't know if anything I can type will help. But I don't think it can hurt. I'm trying to research my way out of having panic attacks and feeling nervous. Of course seeing a Dr. is important, also talking or typing is helpful. I found some comfort in some free programs. I know that there are a lot of different websites out there. One I found helpful was the free emails from
www.stresscenter.com by Lucinda Bassett. She sells a complete program but it was more than I can spend right now. I haven't worked in a couple of months and had a ton of Dr. bills to pay from some other health issues. That' when my anxiety and panic attacks started. My Mom got me a book yesterday called "Starting Your Best Life Now" by Joel Osteen. It's a Christian approach to improving your life even if you don't have panic attacks. I'm finding that some of the same things that are said at the above mentioned websites are mentioned in this book. My thoughts and prayers are with you. A bible quote that comes quite often into my mind is "I came so you might have life, and have it more abundantly". When I'm having a panic attack i say this bible verse over and over again "Fear not, I go before you always. Come follow Me and I will give you rest". May God Bless you richly for fighting the good fight.