Good Morning Family,
I have written my story for so many I will not write it again other then to say I have applied for a position as a substitute nurse in our community school system.
You touched my soul when I read how you still mourn your job that you loved, I feel the same way about my 26 years in nursing and also still get the feeling like I am failure for taking early retirement. But it has been 3 years for me and life has moved on. I know now that I no longer work in the ER.
I remember your struggles with your job and I am so happy you now have the job you do. I am sorry to hear of your recent break up but I know you will overcome the pain and that you will soon be back in the groove. Good to see you my friend. I understand those low spots.
I am sorry you were not able to go to your dream school. I am sure that was the loss of a dream for you. Give yourself time to work through this and look into all kinds of other jobs you may able to do. Post a question on the UC forum re ideas you could persue with your disease. ((((HUGS))))
You have done a wonderful job taking care of your Mom and that was the job of a caregiver. You followed through all the way for 10 years, I know you did it out of love for you Mom but celebrate your accomplishment. You gave 10 years and now you are lost and don't know how to start over as well as having issue of you own to deal with.
Never put yourself down, we are here to help you dear Buddha.
I feel if you have made a wise choice for you to refocus where your headed in your career. I feel a bit like you when applying for casual or part time work, my age is against me yet I am finding it on all applications as they need it for security reason. I have tried to stay in the moment and if the job is meant to be for me, I will get it, if not I will sell knock-off watches on a corner.
To My Big sis who is very petite
Great thread. I know you know my history in the career department and how I struggled and still do at times. I know how much you loved nursing too. You are always there for me when I start to slip into the "whoa is me" and you tell me to get over the "Stinkin Thinkin" As my friends were all connected to my work, I lost so much and yet I gained so much finding HealingWell and Lyn/Big Sis to welcome me aboard and be my mentor.
When one door closes another door opens.
Hugs to my HW Family and keep your stories coming.
Kitt/Lil Sis