Hi All,
Thought I'd introduce myself and send some positive vibes out everyone's way. My battle with anxiety and panic disorder started about 3 years ago after my father's passing. I was drinking heavily at the time, which I think was a culprit too. Since the initial attack its been a LONG and hard road, but i've managed to make lots of progress! I have my down days too, but I just remind myself that they'll pass. I've stopped beating myself up for having panic and i've stopped being angry that I have it and asking myself "why? why me? why now?"
Since i stopped drinking and began cognitive therapy, I've started driving again (my biggest fear, I still fear driving on the highway and driving far distances alone), i've gone on a plane for the first time and gone 2,000 miles across the country, and I've started to feel what it's like to live life normally again. I am not on any medication as I'm afraid to be, and I always tell myself if it got THAT bad i'd try it out, but so far it hasn't gotten to that point. I do still go through the "am i dying right now?" phases..it's hard but thank god, panic attacks DO have a limit and they go away after an hour.
I just wanted to reach out to those who are suffering with a little cheer and support. I know what it feels like.