ok im wondering if i did a bad thing or not.....
ill try to keep this short and straight forward but im bound to get confusing so just bare with me...
a year or go i was put on nortriptyline (sp?)for migraines and shortly after that i was seeing a heart doctor and he noticed that i was also on lexapro and klonipon and told me those mixed with nortriptyline wasn't a good idea. so asked my general Dr. and he said it would be fine...so about
a month ago i started getting more and more heart palpitations and asked my Dr. about
them and he said not to worry. i didn't think to ask about
the meds as it wasnt a concerned at the time but when i got home i was googling medicines and came across an article about
drug interactions and they had a link (lost it) and i seen that nortriptyline and one of the other meds i was on causes alot of what i had going on when mixed.(i know iam being vague but my memory isn't so good). so to make a long story short i stopped taking the nortriptyline. i weened myself off of it for a week and my heart palpitations have decreased alot but now my head has been feeling "full" and i get real dizzy.
did i do the wrong thing by stopping the nortriptyline ? i never told my Dr.
p.s. i know google searching is bad and iam cutting back.