I've been thinking about
my mother and brother a lot lately during the holidays. . . They both passed away when I was younger and I stepped up to take care of my other siblings after my father remarried and they left all the time to be drunks. . .
Anyway, I have sat down and cried for them and my grandfather and other family members so much lately. I am getting older and so many of my family is gone now. It scares me to end up alone and we used to be so happy and filled with such a bright love. . .
To cope I've been spending quality time with my siblings/kids, grandmother (whom I care for
and just getting out some and cleaning a lot
It kind of is my OCD getaway. . .
I exercise and journal to help keep me on track also. The crying is therapy for many people for grieving. . . And of course all of you all have made such a difference too. It really helps me to get on the A/P Forum and communicate with all of you all. I like to give good advice and help others. . . And I also like to be helped which all of you have done
Thanks for everything and I wish you and your families: