ashleyf3 said...
Hey I have been on a combo of Risperdal and a low dose of Xanax without much success. My regular MD mentioned I might ask my psych doc about talking to him about Klonopin for longer and better results instead of Xanax (which I fear going up on due to addiction issues and that it is not doing enough now). I almost feel like I settle down for a short while and then crash. She said Klonopin might offer me a slow smoother day.
So, my question was what are the side effects generally (as I have major issues with side effects and getting adjusted to new meds plus I have MAJOR fears of new meds), how long do the side effects tend to last and have others had success with this medication?
I am pretty much housebound (expect for doctor's appointments and those are getting very hard) and I can't drive (my poor husband!!). Right now I am starting to get anxious even at home, which I must deal with because home is my safe place and that cannot become a problem or insanity will sink in for sure! I have had anxiety for over 20 years (since I was about 14) and been on over 10+ medications, but not had much luck - usually too many side effects or no help.
Thanks for any information.
Klonopin has a longer half-life, and therefore the effects of it last longer. Everyone is different, but Klonopin works well for me for relieving anxiety (though it makes me quite tired and sometimes apathetic). Your fear of new medications is an irrational one in this case, as you have already taken a Benzo (Xanax) and have obviously had no major issues with it other than it not working.
I wish you the best of luck! Remember, stay positive!
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Post Edited By Moderator (Green Grove) : 1/6/2009 2:52:31 PM (GMT-7)