I had a hard time falling asleep because my stomach was a bit sick (no doubt from the dinner we had, just didn't agree with me). But then I just kept waking up every 20 minutes or so for a few hours all panicky. Health anxiety fully there. Finally at 4 am I took an anxiety pill, and finally fell back asleep for good.
I had been doing so good, this set back has me a bit upset. I'm also upset because my doctor doesn't want me to continue on with ANY anxiety meds, just my anti-depressant, and I don't think I'll be able to do that. I know he wants to raise the dosage still of my anti-depressant, but it seems most people with this still need an anxiety med to get through the bad days. Thinking I may need to set up an appointment with a mental health professional maybe, and not just rely on my primary doc?
So today I'm having to try and not let the set back effect me. Telling myself I'm okay, nothing is wrong, just anxiety. Not an easy day for me.