Hi there. I have OCD too, coupled with slight depression, as a result of the OCD. I have three kids and after my first is when it started. That was over 5 years ago. I have only been on treatment for 6 months. It took me a while to pinpoint the problem, plus it wasn't bad until recently.
My symptoms were this constant worrying about my kids health, as well as their health effecting mine or my husbands. Specifically, stomach viruses. The catalyst was when my 5 year old, then 4 years old, got hit with it for the first time and was very very ill. It was coming out both ends and he was passing out in between...ugly.
Anyway, I would constantly "check in" with my husband just to hear him say he was feeling fine or the kids were fine. I would "check in" with my mother in law, who babysits our kids while we work, during the day a few times and would have done it more if I didn't think she would get angry. I would always have this pit in my stomach that one of them were ill or going to get ill. It was more of a anticipatory type anxiety, but because I perseverated on the specific illness, they called it OCD. I did have handwashing issues but I excused them by saying that I only washed my hands when I used the bathroom. Only, I realized after being on meds that I used the bathroom more to be able to wash without it seeming like a problem- subconsciously of course.
I was prescribed 20mg of Lexapro off the bat and was officially diagnosed by a PhD with OCD and my PCP said it was OCD as well. The 20mg knocked me on my ass, sorry. It was too much for a first timer. I would have these hot chills...I could feel this burning going through my entire body, I felt anxious, hopped up...it was bad. I only took it for one day. I stopped for 2 days to get it out of my system and then went back on 5mg. Silly, I know, but I needed a slower start. I noticed improvement in my symptoms right away, since it has an antidepressant factor, I think that having an elevated mood lifted the anxiety too. I eventually went up to 10mg and have been on that for about 5 months. I have a whole new life. I do not worry anymore other than what a normal person would worry about, I can actually say the words vomit and stomach without going into a frenzy of thoughts and worries, I enjoy my kids again instead of seeing them as germy things and I'm just generally happier.
With that said, I plan to talk to my PCP end of this month to talk about upping me to 20mg. This is my very first winter, which is a huge trigger for me, on the meds and over the last 2 weeks, I've noticed some anxiety coming back about illness. I don't perseverate on the thoughts and they are not racing thoughts or anything, but I definitely notice it sneaking in. So, I think 20mg would be a good choice for me.
I love Lexapro. I have had no adverse reactions, since I've been on a good dosage regime, and I just feel normal. I love it!!!!
Good luck.