My house provides a place of familiarity and comfort. I feel more safe in my own house because I know I can hide away if I need to, eat if I want to, drink something when Im thirsty, go to the bathroom whenever I want, or sleep and not get out of bed if I choose! I dont feel comfortable going to other peoples home and I dont get that same feeling.
Right now, my house is place I go to after school and as soon as I walk in the door, I change into my basketball shorts and a t-shirt, and get in bed and watch tv until I decide I want to go to bed and then I wake up go to school and it happens the same way EVERYDAY!
I cant help it though. Lately I have been EXTRA exhausted and just feel like I simply "cant" move. I find no reason to get up and go anywhere. I realize that Im being EXTRA lazy, but with Fibro and anxiety and depression...everything all together...I dont feel like waking up, period.
Hopefully this will change....but for now, all I want to do is sleep.