I am going to apologize ahead of time if this is a duplicate post. I looked through the older posts and did not find what I was looking for, so I am posting my own. Okay, with that said, here goes...
I was on 60 mg of Celexa for a llittle over a year. I felt it wasn't working for me anymore so I told my Dr. I wanted to switch back to Effexor XR which I had taken before and have been off of for quite a while. (I have been on antidepressants for over 10 years due to anxiety and depression). So I started weaning off of the Celexa 10 mg at a time...slowly, I want to add. I have had to withdrawal symptoms that I couldn't handle and I am down to 10 mg of the Celexa, which is basically nothing at all. I was supposed to start taking my Effexor XR at 20 mg along with the Celexa, but I have not started to do so yet. Reason being, I have not had any anxiety and no depression since tapering off to 10 mg. I would like to not be on anything and see how my body responds without medication which is why I have not started the Effexor XR again.
The only thing is, I get agitated easily and the smallest things tick me off anymore. My patience doesn't seem to be there and I am wondering if it is because I have been on medication for so long that my body needs to readjust itself or do I need to start the Effexor XR or is it just that it is a withdrawal symptom of the Celexa? I am confused and really don't know what to do...Dr.'s just seem to want to keep you on medication and let you go. But as I said before, I haven't had any anxiety attacks and haven't been depressed, just get upset over stupid things.
Any input from you guys and gals here at healing well will be greatly appreciated...I haven't posted in a while but you are all so great on here!!!
Thanks in advance...I hope my post makes sense!