All I can really say is Best of Luck & please try hard to give the medicine time to 'get into your system', which usually takes around 10 days and let it work. Now, with that said, you & your doctor would be the ones to know if you're having an adverse reaction to the medicine and should or should not stop it....just because it makes you feel a bit
odd or off doesn't mean necessarily that something bad is going to happen to you, I think you and I share in what my therapist refers to as "hypervigilance" when it comes to any change(s) in my body, such as the slightest light-headness, any pain, just anything out of 'the norm' when it comes to my body and I have to check myself to keep from flipping out.
Again, try your best to let the medicine work for you, if it doesn't help or makes you feel worse then you likely need to try a different anti-depressant and there are lots out there and one that will likely work for you.
Good Luck
PS - Stay off the Internet when it comes to diagnosing yourself or reading up on medicine side'll drive you bonkers, trust me.