Now that im working permanent part time, i have the time to do roll call again- Kitt was my mentor, I hope I can do this as well as she always did.
The whole point of Roll Call has always been to focus less on the negatives and stop and really think about the positives. I will do a different topic each day. Cos im in Australia, im a day ahead so I will wait till later in the evening to post. As i am moderating in depression as well, I will at times double up on the roll call topic. I really hope you join in and feel the love!
Todays question:
Because our issues often make us dislike ourselves, or we have low self esteem i thought today would be:
Name 3 positive words to describe yourself:
1. Strong
2. Kind
3. Creative
At first its hard to say good stuff about yourself, but I swear you need to acknowledge your best qualities. because you are all amazing people.
Maz XX