I've been up and down this weekend. Today I did get a quicker appointment scheduled with the allergist, but it's not until tomorrow, and I've been having a tight throat off and on all day. Mostly, it happens outdoors, but it started this afternoon in my office ("sick building" basement office).
I have taken 0.25 mg ativan to see whether that makes the physical symptom go away or not. Then I can report back to the next doctor about
how that worked. I don't deny that I get anxious when this happens, but my docs seem to go straight for the "anxiety caused your throat tightness" diagnosis, rather than what I'm always feeling: "throat tightness brings out my anxiety." I just get so frightened that they're overlooking something that could hurt or kill me, and I know I sound like classic HA, but I can't help but think "I'm the one who knows how my body feels, and your explanation doesn't quite make sense."
I could sure use a big group hug...