thank you all for caring .my daughter is better and my granddaughter is still under going testing but stable. however i was bad before this all happened as i said and now i have to say i can not fearful this has push me over the edge to no return has anyone heard of this happening where no meds even help and if so when you get this bad what is worst thing that can happen? i cant believe you wont die as ive lost so much weight and now to weak to even deal with these attacks and constant suffering of full blown anxiety .im shaking cant think vomitting diarreha not sleeping crying screaming nothing helps i have ativan and xanax but both just may be groggy and weaker but are not taking the suffering away of attacks. i cant imagine the hosp can help as they just give a quick fix of ativan send you home or if admitted you are stuck in a diff enviroment without family and makes things worse i believe as these nurses become unsympathetic as they have no time to sit with you and they are busy they are there for a pay check trust me i was in hosp once before. my concern again is the paxil after 9 years stopped working but even more fearful is it started working oppisite and was the reason i started in the panic again and instead md increased it. i have never been like this .just 9 yrs ago for 3 weeks and paxil imed. in that time returned me to normal. fearful of all these meds they want me to TRY. all experimental how do we know if it is working or causing worse panic as they have the same side effects as our condition. it just amazes me if you are suffering from cancer or other bad illness they can at least keep you comfortable but md acts like you just need to deal with it but when you cant what happens???????? because im telling you and them i cannot.
no one can understand family or husband they have never felt this so they just say your fine relax. im beyond all that.
Edit: Discussions of suicide or self-harm that are deemed negative and therefore potentially injurious to others are also not permitted.
I removed one sentence from your post.
Thank you for your understanding.
Post Edited By Moderator (stkitt) : 9/3/2009 6:59:47 AM (GMT-6)