I know exactly what you are talking about. It is nice to know others share something so similiar. Right now I am totally suffering from IBS-D and Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia. I have been off work since May.
For me I have always had stomach problems including IBS-D and GERD. about 4 years ago my sickness reached its peak. I took a trip to Cuba and got sick while I was away. When I came back I was so nauseous, had diarrhea and bad reflux. I forced myself every day to go to work becuase that the kind of person I was. The doctor could not find what was wrong. I was sent to a GI specialist who did some blood work and I found out I had H.Pylori. Six months of me being sick had passed until I got this diagnosis. By this time I developed severe anxiety and started to have panic attacks while travelling back and forth from work until I just could not even get my foot out the door and I was trapped inside for 5 weeks. I took 300mg of Wellbutrin and Ativan at night for sleep. I had to take a triple cocktail of antibiotics for the H.Pylori. I thought I was going to die in those to weeks. I just stared at the bathroom floor tiles for two weeks straight. I got myself together with some therapy and was able to get back to work. I still had diarrhea most mornings but slowly it was more manageable.
Then last year I got married. Big stressful wedding like the usual for most. We went on our honeymoon to Nicaragua where my hubby is from. I came back sick like a dog. Nausea and diarrhea. I went back to work but only lasted a week because of the crazy panic attacks and random urgent diarrhea attacks. I was off from last July until January. I tried so many meds to control the anxiety. I finally reverted to what I took the first time and with therapy and time and I got back to work. All was well. I still had diarrhea every morning but I could manage it since I made a two routine in the morning to get around it and my work understood if I was late. All was well until the end of April I went to Mexico and picked up a bug and had crazy nausea and diarrhea. The worse was the panic attacks and having diarrhea on the plane ride 3 times. I think the guy beside me thought I was nuts. When I got home the diarrhea had blood and mucous so I knew it was more than anxiety. I took antibiotics which made me feel worse and ended up being off work again now since May. I am so ashamed to be sick again from work.
I know one thing the GI specialist told me is that the two work on each other anxiety and diarrhea. Until my mental is while my IBS will keep acting up. Anyways that is my long sob story.
I am barely hanging on here some days are okay but I can tell you being trapped in your house and feeling sick all the time is no joy.
Something I have tried that were good were Florastor for IBS, Iberogast for GERD. I take gravol like candy for the nausea. I am on 150 of Wellbutrin but I think it just makes me more anxious but I am so sensitive to meds that it is the only AD I can take. I also take Ativan for sleep and panic. I take Pariet for GERD which seems to help.
I really want to add a new AD or different anxiety med to help this since I feel like I am on a sinking ship. I know some AD work for panic and IBS-D. I was thinking to try Trazodone since insomnia is a problem for me to. Anyone with any advice on meds would be great. I tried adding Lexapro but it made me too sick and I do not think it is good for IBS-D. I was thinking for Celexa or Effexor but I am scared of the withdrawal effects for Effexor. I just want my life back. I want to be normal and do simple things like walk across the street. IBS-D and Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia can really cause a severe depression. Any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks and I send all well wishes to you all in hopes for a speedy recovery and an end to your troubles.