Hey all. I'm new here. I'm 24 years old and I have been suffering on and off with panic and anxiety for about
10 years now. It goes away for awhile and I live a normal happy life and then all of a sudden an attack comes on and I feel like I am 14 all over again, not knowing what to do. I have this obsessive thought that I have a brain tumor or an aneurysm. I've had this thought since I was 14. What triggered it yesterday was head pain. Sometimes I get headaches that feel like they're shooting through my head and they only last a couple seconds, those scare me the most. A normal headache I can deal with. Yesterday and today I've had this pressure on the right side of my head on the temple and around it. It feels like something is in there pushing out. I clench my jaw a lot and sometimes I don't even notice it until I unclench and my jaw hurts. Sometimes I get warm sensations in my throat...Like I just drank warm water. That scares me. The other day I was driving home and I had to stop because I was so dizzy I couldn't focus my eyes. That sent me into a tailspin and I had to take a Klonopin...First one in almost a month. I've had them for almost 2 months and have only taken 5 maybe. And I take a half when I take them. Look at me...I'm all over the place with my typing. This anxiety takes control of me and rules my life. The other day I had to pop a pill and I spent all day on the couch, mind racing, having panic attacks on and off until i was exhausted enough to fall asleep. My neck hurts at the base of my head, my husband doesn't want to spend time with me because I can't get my thoughts onto something other than what's wrong with me or what I'm dying from. There just seems to be no end to this madness I feel I have created. I'm sorry if none of this makes sense. I just needed advice or to know someone else was going thru the same thing.
I gave your thread a title.